for investors
Our extensive experience in building software products from idea to commercial launch allows us to assist investing parties in assessing risks and costs connected with developing scalable projects. We provide due diligence of the underlying architecture, security policies, dependency of third-party components and potential bottlenecks or constraints to future growth, as well as opportunities for improvement. Not only that, but we are capable of assessing both hardware infrastructure and development teams, and comprehensively report on strengths and weaknesses.
for startups
Whether you’re looking to create a Proof Of Concept, Minimum Viable Product or refactor an existing product, we’ll take you there. Having worked with many technical and non-technical founders, we know how to materialize your vision into the beautiful rainbow-spewing unicorn you’ve dreamed of, and rest in the assurance that the software we deliver will be up to par with industry best-practices. When you’re ready to make your own way, we can further help in your technical recruitment process, and can incubate your team with our own resources, securing complete and unlimited transfer of knowledge.